Royal Arch
A Bit About Royal Arch Masons
There dwells in every Royal Arch Mason, the capacity to be greater than himself. Your active membership in Capitular Masonry is testimony to this declaration. Companions that continue their journey of illumination and distinction of service will find the art of learning and doing is a life-changing experience that can transform old patterns and behaviors to make them new again. The mission and vision of the General Grand Chapter recognizes the responsibility of leadership to provide awareness, action, accountability, and opportunity that instills confidence and comprehension to companions everywhere.
It’s been written that “a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”, which should appeal to any Royal Arch Mason with a good sense for adventure, and yearning for a greater understanding of the traditional practices and ancient mysteries upon which we build our craft.
Many historians have traced the earliest origins of the Royal Arch Degree to Ireland, late in the 17th century and in England in 1738. In 1752, ambulatory or military warrants for lodges were introduced. This was instrumental in placing the Royal Arch Degree on a par with the Master Mason Degree.
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