Concord Chapter #1
High Priest: Travis Horrell
King: Eric Johnson
Scribe: Brandon Edens
Treasurer: Patrick Terry
Secretary: Eddie Gaskins
Captain of the Host:
Principal Sojourner:
Royal Arch Captain:
Master of 3rd Veil:
Master of 2nd Veil:
Master of 1st Veil:
Chaplin: Issaac Eddins
Sentinel: James Steele

Munson Council #4
Illustrious Master: Travis Horrell
Deputy Master: Eric Johnson
Principal Conductor Brandon Edens
of the Work:
Treasurer: Patrick Terry
Secretary: Eddie Gaskins
Captain of the Guard:
Conductor of the Council:
Prelate: Isaac Eddins
Sentinel: James Steele

Plantagenet Commandery #1
Commander: Travis Horrell
Generalissimo: Eric Johnson
Captain General: Brandon Edens
Senior Warden:
Junior Warden:
Treasurer: Patrick Terry
Recorder: Eddie Gaskins
Standard Bearer:
Sword Bearer:
Prelate: Isaac Eddins
Sentinel: James Steele