Payments and Donations links
Click or Scan the QR Code to Pay Dues $125.00 plus Online Convience Fee $4.04 Total Payment $129.04
To avoid paying a Convenience Fee either mail in a check or attend a meeting and pay in person.
Charitable Donations
KTEF is at the center of pediatric ophthalmolog y. By identifying key areas of research for seed funding , KTEF accelerates research into experimental areas where, over the last few decades, the greatest advances in pediatric ophthalmolog y have been made.
The Knights Templar have launched some of the most important careers in the field,
Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund
To support Ministers traveling to the Holy Land make contributions to Plantagenet Commandery No. 1: Mail check to:
Wilmington NC York Rite Bodies -- PO Box 3521 -- Wilmington, NC 28406
Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund in Memo
Wilmington NC York Rite Bodies Operating Fund
Mail check to:
Wilmington NC York Rite Bodies -- PO Box 3521 -- Wilmington, NC 28406
Operating Fund in Memo
Online Operating Fund Donation (not tax deductable)
Default amount $10.00
Increment Quantity to increase donation (Multiples of $10.00)
Thank you for your Support !!!