Payments and Donations links

Click or Scan the QR Code to Pay Dues $125.00 plus Online Convience Fee $4.04    Total Payment $129.04

To avoid paying a Convenience Fee either mail in a check or attend a meeting and pay in person.


Online Dues Payment

$125.00  Dues

$4.04 Credit Card Processing Fee

Total $129.04


Charitable Donations


Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund

To support Ministers traveling to the Holy Land make contributions to Plantagenet Commandery No. 1:  Mail check to:

Wilmington NC York Rite Bodies  --  PO Box 3521  --  Wilmington, NC 28406

Holy Land Pilgrimage Fund in Memo



Wilmington NC York Rite Bodies Operating Fund

Mail check to:

Wilmington NC York Rite Bodies  --  PO Box 3521  --  Wilmington, NC 28406

Operating Fund in Memo


Online Operating Fund Donation (not tax deductable)

Default amount $10.00 

Increment Quantity to increase donation (Multiples of $10.00)

Thank you for your Support !!!